Who is the guy behind this?

  1. I’m Ray Abboud, Owner of Cash Now, We Buy Real Estate.
  2. Been in business for 22 years
  3. Done half a billion dollars in sales
  4. Created rental portfolio with almost 300K in monthly income
  5. Here to help motivated entrepreneurs

Why is this program different from others?

  1. Not teaching textbook material behind a desk
  2. In field footage at my job sites
  3. My checklists
  4. My formulas
  5. My business blueprints

Can I try it out and get a refund if it doesn’t work for me?

  1. Nope, couple reasons why:
  2. Once you’ve seen material, can’t unsee it, my secrets, techniques
  3. This business’ success is based off of your work ethic, how much you put in is what you’ll get out of it
  4. You have the potential to make as little or as much as you desire

I know nothing about flipping or real estate. I’m overwhelmed.

  1. I can be your shortcut, help you not make the mistakes I did
  2. Give you a step-by-step process

I don’t have a lot of “extra money” laying around, I can’t fund deals right now.

  1. Don’t need to have thousands in the bank
  2. I show you how to fund these deals not using your own money
  3. Even if you have bad credit

I work full time, can this still work for me?

  1. Yes, when I started out, I was working full time
  2. If you can spare a few hours per week, this will work for you